Monday, March 14, 2011

him :)

heee. dy daa fly smalam. so, xleh daa naa text-texting cam slalu. huu. sdih. ten days kot. hmm. agk lma. saba laa hati. tp kan, tega btul. xckp pn naa off nset. kte pnya laa rsau gle dkt dy. haaa. two days im waitim for ur call. then, tdi dy kol.! yeah.! epy gle! tp, xtau naa ckp ape. tbe2 jadi kelu-gle-keras-lidah-xtau naa ckp ape. spoil! haa. rindu die gile kot! i will look my phone every second lahs. hmm. tp bca msg dy yg lpas2 jea, tp kire oke laa. drpde xde lngsung kan kann ? huhu. dy txt tdi ckp naa krim ape. plik btul. org xnaa pape laa. naa awak jea. muahahaha! tp, cpat2 laa blik. n hrap2 awk sehat jea slalu kt sna. daa laa dmam2 nye. jgn lpe mkn ubt tau. btw, baba seems like wanna know u lahs. ahaks! ibdat elok2 tau kt sna. dun forget to pray for us! hehe. ha! mkn pn jgn lpe! okes awk. miss ya!


Friday, November 26, 2010

the PAINFUL => the HAPPINESS :))

im sory.
i dont mean to disapponted u.
its just im thinkin that since u know me,
i just bring u the PAINFUL, not the HAPPINESS.
its hard for me to do it, but it seems like i've to leave u,
thats the best way.
even its only just a game,
its too meaningful for u,
why u stop it.?
i know, thats all my fault earlier.
only if i can turn back the time,
but it is too imposibble.
im sory.
what can i do for u.
i dont know waht should i do.
just one way,
try to understand each other.
we can do it laahs.!
believe in ourself.!

Thursday, March 11, 2010


tAhUn 2009.!i!i!
tahun y bnyak ajar aku erti
pelbagai knagan t'cipta pade taun e2..
d'kungsi 2gethr..

tahun y bnyk v aku k'gmbiraan.
but now,
looks lyke all had chnge.
smua da brubah.
msing2 da pandai bwak aluan msing2..
g klas prep,
g tndas kul 12male,
smua wat skali srentak.
but now,
all had gone..
kngan t'baek 2 s'olah2 ta wjud..
d'lupo key..
d'biar key b'lalu d'bowok angin n p'pasir..

aku seolah oloh hilang,
ta b'pijak d bumi nyato..
aku seoloh2 ta dpt knl g erti p'shbat sbnr..
jiwo aku seoloh2 b'tebaran bebah d'sky,
tadop sarpo tau isi kndungan aty aku sbnr2nyo,
ALLAH jah tau,
apokoh hikmah d'sblik tabir niemphs.?

samo2 kito renung2key..

Friday, July 17, 2009

at hum..
quite bored...
dun fel like wanna 2 8dy..

i fel like i wanna go sum were that i can release ma tensen...
but were da place.?
nobudy knews it
sudenli,i remember dis poem,

"I will arise and go now, and go to Innisfree,
And a small cabin build there, of clay and wattles made;
Nine bean rows will I have there, a hive for the honeybee,
And live alone in the bee-loud glade.

And I shall have some peace there, for peace comes dropping slow,
Dropping from the veils of the morning to where the cricket sings;
There midnight's all a-glimmer, and noon a purple glow,
And evening full of the linnet's wings.

I will arise and go now, for always night and day
I hear the water lapping with low sounds by the shore;
While I stand on the roadway, or on the pavements gray,
I hear it in the deep heart's core."

mentang2 lah nk pmr,trus ingt poem


Friday, April 10, 2009


mlm nie tensen sngt..
aku nk nangis2 jerk....
rase bdh,malu,giler n wat eve un ader....
aku nk menjerit jer..
aku nk nangis puas2........
agk yer krn perubahn hormon kowt..
aku ase mlm nie mmg aneh jerk...
smbl lyn lgu kam0oo,sedey siot.
nk say sory to0 her...
msti dye traser ngan aku tadi....
nk wat camne,
aku un xsngka aku blh ckp cam2...
skunk da kol 3pgi..
kalu baba aku sdr nie,
mati gua..
aku ase cam ape erk..?
aku nk nangis..
myb aku kna kol kwn aku....
myb dye leh tmn kn aku.
but dye un dmm.
im damn bored,,,
mati kutu aku kali nie...


thanks 2 HER...

nk tergelak un ader
seb baek ade akak aku yg sorang nie..
kalu x,xjdi blog agk nyer..
dye la yg tlng crate all blog aku nie...
cian kt dye..
nk tau name blilau.???
sibuk jerk nk tau...
name dye
ska gilax aku dye tlng wat...
nk tls pe agi???